As greeting card designers, we have the power to bring visual design and written messages together with causes we are passionate about to deepen the purpose and meaning behind our work. Artistic activism merges creativity, imagination, and cultural expression to raise awareness, inspire action, or provoke dialogue on critical issues. In this panel discussion, you’ll hear from makers about how they’ve created art that connects people through shared experiences, helps people express complicated feelings and ideas, and engages, enchants, and invites participation to advance causes. You’ll also hear about the responses they’ve received from customers, including how they found parallel audiences that elevated their brands. You’ll walk away with inspiration and understand how creativity, culture, and the arts are powerful forces that anyone can leverage.Using Artistic Activism to Deepen Purpose and Meaning Panel
I am a Registered Veterinary Technician and an artist on a mission to make the world a better place for orphaned, injured, and rescued animals. Through Woollybear Travels, I visit animal sanctuaries to meet—and hopefully snuggle—new animal friends and learn their stories. I write... Read More →